A Beginners Guide to Mobile App Marketing

Mobile App Marketing For Beginners 

People are in such a hurry to launch their product or business that they seldom look at marketing from a bird's eye view and they don't create a systematic plan.
Dave Ramsey

Why Effective Marketing is the Key to a Successful App

If you are new to mobile app development, you will have many questions. The answers to these questions can help to make your journey more profitable and considerably easier.

It might surprise you that the majority of the work takes place before you begin working on that app. If your app can not solve the problem your intended audience has, you will be in for a very long journey.

Here is some key advice regarding the development of your new mobile app.

How To Choose Your Best App Idea

This is an easy one. Choose the idea that best addresses a problem with your audience that they can not find help anywhere for it. Choose as your app idea, the one that will fix a problem most effectively. Don't worry about the other ideas you have for right now. Choose one and focus on a small group of people who will benefit from the app. The key here is to gain traction, and once you are established as a credible developer, you can sell your apps more easily.

Starting an App Development 

The first thing you need to do is get your app idea down on paper. Then it is easier to start planning how features will be implemented into the app. Once you have a crystal clear understanding of the design, it can go to development. The design not only has to look visually appealing, it must also function seamlessly. The best looking app in the world means nothing if not matched by simplicity of use.

How To Know Your App Has a Market

If you are unsure if your app is solving a problem the consumers will want, do a search online. Type in the problem that your app addresses and see what kind of results you find. if no one is looking for help with that problem online, chances are you are going to have a tough go at it. By the same token, if too many people are searching for help, your market may be flooded with similar apps already. Then you have to look for ways that you app stands out in the market to pick up a large portion of those users.

How To Submit Your App To The App Store

In order to be able to upload your app for download, you have to be a developer. This means for each store you want to submit your app, you have to pay an annual fee to be the developer. Each platform charges a different annual rate, so choose carefully or if you want to be sure to reach the most amount of users set aside your budget so you can be present across all those platforms.

Should Your App Be Free?

This is really a choice you need to make based on your app. if you feel that you can give it away for free and then charge a price for upgrades, that is one way to go. Another is to charge a small price upfront for the app, then give away all future upgrades for the app. The choice is up to you and the market should dictate which is the best option. Just take a look at what all your competition is doing to get a good feel where you should be positioned.

Always Keep Your Customers In Mind

This is the point of the process where many business owners make a huge mistake. They spend all that time developing the app, then take time off and launch it to sit back and wait for success. The simple fact is that the easy work is done when the app is developed, now the hard work begins. This is where you need to pay attention to your buyers and tweak the app to make it better. 

How To Market Your App

Start by using the power of social media to tell the world about your app. Then promote press releases on news websites. Place a link to the app in your email signature. Create a blog to promote the app release. Take time to make a video and create a podcast too.

Do You Have An Idea for An App?

At Roundhouse, we specialise in bespoke app development services. We guarantee a beautiful, stunning app design with a fully featured and integrated solution for iPhone, iPad and Android platforms. For an obligation free chat about your app idea, talk to us today. 

Get started now. Contact us here.

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1. How to Use Word Of Mouth Marketing To Promote Your App

2. 5 Key Ways to Build Trust in Your Mobile App

3. A Guide to Brand Communications

Roundhouse - The Creative Agency

Author - Saul Edmonds

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