Lead Nurturing - 5 Steps to Develop Stronger Leads


Improve Your Conversion with Lead Nurturing

"Management is about arranging and telling. Leadership is about nurturing and enhancing." (Tom Peters)

What is Lead Nurturing?

Lead nurturing is sales process which is focussed on supporting 'qualified leads' in the early stages of the sales process.

These are prospects who are highly likely to buy - but not just yet. Studies indicate that these prospects will generally proceed to conversion over the next 24 months - either with your business or that of a close competitor. Lead nurturing seeks to build trust and brand preference - so your business is the chosen supplier when a purchase decision is finally made.

The Art of Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is both an art and a discipline. 

Lead nurturing is never about 'new leads'. It is about engaging existing leads with kind assistance and timely information. A 'sale' should be viewed as a journey. Be sensitive to the needs and concerns of your prospects. Work to serve them better. Build your brand reputation upon the genuine desire to help others succeed.

Educating Qualified Leads

In many ways, lead nurturing is an educational process.

During the buying process, work to help clients learn more about your products or services and the solutions they provide. It is an opportunity to share and advise. Make use of relevant content - with the intention to 'inform not sell'. This will greatly assist their purchase decision process. Include helpful, educational information throughout your communication outreach: in your printed collaterals and company blog. Offer free ebooks, infographics and online product or service demonstrations.   

An Overview of a Lead Nurturing Elements

Lead nurturing consists of 3 main goals: maintain communication (with permission), provide education and solutions and monitoring of the future customer within the sales process. As you 'get to know' the individual customer - be receptive to signals. They may need 'space' for review, information to understand or indicate a readiness to actively engage and purchase. 

5 Steps to a Stronger Lead Nurturing Program

1. Know Your Target Audience

Every business must seek to find and understand their target market. Understanding your 'qualified' buyer is the surest path to marketing success. Continually refine your customer profiles. Review your losses - why did certain prospects not convert?

2. Reflect closely upon your Customers

What has motivated your present customers to conversion to your business?

What elements of marketing have been the most effective?

Take the time to consider 'why' customers have trusted you with business. A clearer understanding of what has worked best will help fine tune your lead nurturing campaign.

3. Troubleshoot your Conversion Process

What is your ideal customer experience? Define your lead nurturing strategy to support your buying process. Customise your lead conversion strategy to address potential roadblocks to buying. 

4. Design your Strategy

Start with an end goal - implement a lead nurturing process, make revisions and document it. Focus closely upon target audience and tailor your process to meet their needs. Integrate your communications to transmit a consistent message that is helpful and 'on brand'.

5. Maintain Communications

Take the time to develop a sensitive lead nurturing campaign. The more accurately you understand your buyers and detect potential 'barriers to conversion' - the more effectively you can address the needs of your prospects. Implemented effectively, lead nurturing is a mid term strategy that will enhance profitability and strengthen your brand.

Do you require assistance with lead nurturing?

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As Creative Director & Roundhouse Founder Saul Edmonds has over 20 years professional design and digital experience. 

He is an expert on Brand, Website and App Development. He has worked with clients across all industry groups - including startups, small business, government and entrepreneurs - on projects of all sizes and budgets.

Saul and his team can help you grow your business and discover new possibilities with :

  • strategic brand design
  • web design & development
  • app design and development 
  • digital marketing 
  • creative engagement 

    Saul Edmonds believes that every project begins with a story. 

    Saul and his team offer a one to one, tailored service - where he works with you closely to develop innovative solutions that will take your business to the next level. 

    Find out how Saul can help you turn your ideas into reality.

    Book an obligation free consultation with Saul Edmonds for ideas and strategies to take your business or project to the next level. Click here to arrange your booking.

    Phone : +617 1300 727 749
    email : us@roundhouse.cc

    • Learn about our web design here.
    • Learn about our app development here.
    • See our brand and logo portfolio here.

    Connect with Saul Edmonds on Linkedin here or Google+ here.
    Connect with Roundhouse on Google+ here.