ROUNDHOUSE™ The Creative Agency

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A Simple Guide to Client Communications

Successful client communications are built upon interpersonal skills that enable web/audio designers to meaningfully exchange with clients during the creative process.

The designer serves the client and in turn the wider community by providing timely solutions that ‘get it right’. No design is an island alone but rather exists within a broadcast spectrum - from the client, to the client’s clients, to the world beyond. A successful design should function constructively within both the immediate and broader context.

Effective client relations lay at the heart of every studio project.

The key element within this is a friendly and constructive design process that is essentially free of unnecessary jargon.

The Skills to pay the Bills

The 5 Keys to Best Practice Client Communication

1. (Really) Listen to the Client

Make it your business to listen first and talk later.

Listening is an interactive communication skill. You are challenged to gain an accurate understanding of the client and their project and in doing so ascertain what they truly need from their designer.

2. Speak Easy

Oftentimes clients feel uncertain in regards to technical details that are outside their sphere of experience. To some, technology represents a jargon-filled barrier that is impossible to cross.

Consider your client and keep is simple. Avoid lengthy explanations and focus on simply explained positive outcomes.

3. Ask Questions / Encourage Feedback

Questions provide an avenue for further clarification. Again, keep it simple. Aim to build client trust. Never over-explain when less is often more.

Feedback helps to avoid dissatisfaction. This ultimately assists the process.Address each issue raised systematically with the client in a constructive manner.

4. Focus on Results

Define your target.

Explain your ideas in terms that the client can relate to. Everybody seeks a good outcome. People appreciate adherence to a deadline and the completion of a goal or project that clearly realises pre-defined objectives.

When you consistently focus upon your client’s results - your own results increase.

5. Relax and Be Yourself

In seeking to make the client happy, you must find happiness yourself.

Aim to enjoy all aspects of your work. People are part of the process.

Designers need people (clients) who need to get work done.

Relax - It will make you a better designer.

Contact Roundhouse Now! 
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Get to know Saul Edmonds & Roundhouse

As Creative Director & Roundhouse Founder Saul Edmonds has over 20 years professional design and digital experience. 

He is an expert on Brand, Website and App Development. He has worked with clients across all industry groups - including startups, small business, government and entrepreneurs - on projects of all sizes and budgets.

Saul and his team can help you grow your business and discover new possibilities with :

  • strategic brand design
  • web design & development
  • app design and development 
  • digital marketing 
  • creative engagement 

    Saul Edmonds believes that every project begins with a story. 

    Saul and his team offer a one to one, tailored service - where he works with you closely to develop innovative solutions that will take your business to the next level. 

    Find out how Saul can help you turn your ideas into reality.

    Book an obligation free consultation with Saul Edmonds for ideas and strategies to take your business or project to the next level. Click here to arrange your booking.

    Phone : +617 1300 727 749
    email :

    • Learn about our web design here.
    • Learn about our app development here.
    • See our brand and logo portfolio here.

    Connect with Saul Edmonds on Linkedin here or Google+ here.
    Connect with Roundhouse on Google+ here.