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App Marketing Strategies

Today we will provide an overview of effective and affordable app marketing strategies.

Keep in mind that developing your app is only the first part of your journey as an app entrepreneur. Whether you are seeking to monetise you app or gain audiences for influence, your toughest journey starts now.

Never think 'Build it and they will come'. In my experience, it never works that way. (Field of dreams or dreamers on a field?)

To achieve a real, measurable return on you investment - you must actively seek out an audience for your app.

This will require marketing.

If possible, always ensure you retain at least a modest budget for app marketing purposes. It is true that many app marketing strategies are 'free' or 'low cost'. But even so, they will require a significant investment time, dedication and patience. Small daily actions and the long term goal.

To succeed in the app marketplaces - you need to think marketing.
And so succeed in marketing - you need to think 'people first'.

Like any small business - you have to build from the ground up.

You have to reach out and genuinely connect with people - especially your target customers. Your key goal is to build your app's brand - share your story - inspire your audience - and motivate them to download.

Hopefully, they will tell their friends about it - and your download numbers will rise.

But first, you need a plan - a strategy for success. An app marketing strategy.

Think of your app marketing plan as the final stage in your app development process.

Wait a minute, you many say. I have just finished developing my app. Isn't that the end of this process?

No. In many ways it is just the beginning.

And now, a quote!

Epicurus once said, "To be rich is not the end, but only a change, of worries."

Firstly, who was Epicurus?
Epicurus lived in Ancient Greece from 341 BC to 270 BC. He was an influential philosopher. You may have heard of the term 'Epicurean' in relation to gourmet food and luxury. This term derives from Epicurus - who put great faith in the material, observable world of the 5 senses.

Let's hear the quote again "To be rich is not the end, but only a change, of worries."

To me this quote seems to come from personal experience. I can Epicurus observing those who sought success as a marvellous end goal. But in reality, success - as Epicurus knew over 2000 years ago - is never that simple.

Achieving and maintaining goals demands hard work.

Similarly, To be have completed your app, is not the end of the process.
But it is the beginning of a new phase in your journey as an app entrepreneur.

Take it step by step. It is not as complicated as it seems, and needn't be expensive.

Consistent actions, implemented, monitored and improved over time -
with yield the best results.

The is the best formula for sucesss - both in business and in regards to app marketing.

What are Top 5 App Marketing Strategies?

1. Start with App-Store Optimization

  • App Store Optimization is known as

  • It is a core app marketing activities.

  • It promotes your products visibility to target users

  • You set appropriate keywords, meta-data, and descriptions which determine how your app is ranked on the AppleApp Store and Google Play.

  • Carefully choose target keywords. Include them in your app’s title. Your goal is to connect with targeted users. Be clear on who your audience is - and tailor your app's description to help them discover and understand the benefits of your app.

  • A key element of effective ASO is visual design. This includes your app icons and screenshots. Ensure that all your graphics represent your app - and your app's brand - professionally and consistently to boost appeal and promote engagement.

  • Continue tweaking your ASO over time - reviewing keywords, tags to gain maximum ROI.

2. Add In Social Media Marketing

  • Take advantage of social media channels to engage target users and build an audience.

  • Create active profiles on all the most popular platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. Post regularly - daily if possible. Posts need only be short - but aim to provide innovative, targeted content that will resonate with your customers.

  • Ensure that your app's brand is well defined. Tell your story. Talk about you and your personal journey to develop this app.

  • Present 'how to' videos and showcases of your app features and benefits in action. Help your users make the most of all that your app has to offer.

  • Use social channels to keep your customers engagements long term - in regards to new versions of your app, updates and bug fixes.

  • Ask for user feedback - and implement suggestions, keeping people informed in the process.

  • Use social media to let your customers know more about you - the person behind the app.

3. Use Traditional Advertising to Acquire Customers

  • Target your audience with a social media campaign.

  • Develop a clear profile of your target customers. Understand their goals. A more highly targeted social campaign will reduce costs and maximise your return on investment.

  • Try mobile advertising. There are a variety of options here - where your ad is shown to prospects via their mobile device.

  • Use content marketing. Create tailored infographics, animations, articles and videos that share your values and showcase all that your app has to offer.

  • Use ad networks to boost brand recognition amongst targeted users.

  • Encourage users to provide email contact details. Use email marketing to build relationships.

Take Advantage of Media Outreach, Testimonials and Reviews

  • Create a press release and branded media kit.

  • Network with other app developers and entrepreneurs.

  • Ensure your app has a website. Include a blog to build engagement.

  • Feature testimonials and positive reviews.

Maintain User Engagement and Engage Long Term

  • Find innovative ways to maintain user engagement over the long term

  • encourage sharing and provide incentives for people to share your app and spread the word across their personal networks.

Your Customers Are Your Brand Ambassadors
Remember, that your customers have the potential to be your best brand ambassadors.

A happy customer is the best marketing strategy.

Provide rewards, incentive influencers and encourage co-creation - as you build a community around your app and your users.

Good luck with your app marketing strategies and most of all, enjoy getting out there - and sharing your app with the world.