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App Monetization: iPhone Apps Vs Android Apps

Are iPhone Apps or Android Apps Best for Monetization?

The key thing is, always put the right content on the right network, on the right platform, make it great, and then figure out how to monetize it. ―Jon Feltheimer

It doesn't matter if you are working with iPhone or Android apps, there are plenty of ways to monetize each platform so that you can make some nice residual income for the long-term.

While there may be similar ways to monetize in the apps, they are definitely not one in the same. if you are still in the early development phase and looking to choose one over the other, the following information should be helpful.

If you already have the app in the later stages of development and you simply want to see what options there are for you to make money, then this information should give you a good jumping off point. 

When it comes to app monetisation, knowing your end game in advance will make the process much easier.

Here are a few of the things to consider when it comes to app monetisation for iPhone apps vs Android apps.

Now before we can get into the different ways to monetize each application, we need to take a close look at what separates one from the other. If you want to start with the most popular, it might come as a surprise to some that the iOS apps are generating a staggering 35% more revenue than those on the Android platform. 

Why is iOS outperforming Android? 

The answer is really clear. The Apple App Store currently has over 400 million users that have registered for their one-click payment system. To get a better understanding of that what means, if you have an app in the Apple Store, 400 million potential buyers already have the money in their hand and only need to click a button for you to get paid. That is a huge selling pint for app developers who have to choose one over the other. 

The reason those using the iOS system benefit is because Apple makes sure anyone who downloads any apps, whether free or premium, has already registered in their system and has a credit card on file. The other reason is that the majority of Apple Store users have at one point downloaded movies or music from iTunes, so that existing payment relationship is already in place as you hit the App Store.

Compare this to Android that makes use of Google Play. 

Users on the Android system are not required to have credit card information on file, in fact, users who want to download free apps only need be logged in with any G-mail address. Even though Google is making efforts to try and get users to enter their credit cards to download apps, it is not a full requirement yet like with Apple.

That being said, both platforms offer ways to monetize the apps and provide you a steady stream of income for the foreseeable future. Creating a few different versions of the same app allow you to sell it with premium features once you get the user invested in the free version first. 

App Monetization with iPhone Apps

When you have a free app in the Apple App Store, you have a better chance of making money offering other features that you would if you simply offered the premium app as a standalone. Here are some 3 ways to monetize iPhone Apps:

  1. In-App Items - Once your free app has grown in popularity, you simply monetize and get users already comfortable with the app to buy in-app items. This is a great way to entertain the users too as they get to be teased with bonuses and features that could enhance the app experience.
  2. Premium Version - Although you will get some sales if you offer a premium app, selling it from within the free app is the way to go. When the free app provides valuable content to all users, you can then create a premium version. Users wanting to use this newer version must pay to access it. Simply find out what your users like, then all you have to do is monetize it.
  3. CPI Ad Network - You really don’t have to put much work into earning money with the free app. All you need to do is upload your app and integrate with a CPI add network to generate a steady income.

App Monetization with Android Apps

Having a free app in the Google Play Store means you are going to get a ton of downloads if you hit that sweet spot, making money is something altogether different. Ways to monetize Android Apps include:

  1. Paid Downloads - This is the least effective way to make any money with your apps in the Google Play Store. It is estimated that on 6% of all the apps downloaded are actually paid for.
  2. Ad Revenue - Android Authority reports that 49% of the Android apps in the Google Play Store contain ads.
  3. In-App Purchases - Perhaps the best way to make money with your app at the Google Play site is with in-app purchases. More people are making in-app purchases than they are buying premium apps, and this number is only expected to rise in the next year. Users download the app for free, then must pay in order to unlock in-app content or special bonus features. 
  4. E-commerce - There are over 37,000 apps in the Google Play store that are monetized through e-commerce. This number is expected to steadily grow as the shift to e-commerce explodes in popularity year to year. This is a great way to provide customers an easy way to shop for products across a number of different mobile devices.
  5. Affiliate Partnership - Those apps which have a tremendous amount of content monetize by way of affiliate partnerships. There are a number of affiliate networks that are recording record numbers this year, and users who want to get in the game and grab some of that app cash now have another resource available to them.

There you have it, whether you are going iPhone or Android, you have plenty of app monetisation methods to consider. The best part is that once you get the ball rolling downhill and start making some money, you simply rinse and repeat the process until you hit your goals

Do You Have An App Idea?

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Get to know Saul Edmonds & Roundhouse

As Creative Director & Roundhouse Founder Saul Edmonds has over 20 years professional design and digital experience. 

He is an international expert on Brand, Website and App Development. He has worked with clients across all industry groups - including startups, small business, government and entrepreneurs - on projects of all sizes and budgets.


Saul and his team can help you grow your business and discover new possibilities with :

      • strategic brand design
      • web design & development
      • app design and development 
      • digital marketing 
      • creative engagement 

        Saul Edmonds believes that every project begins with a story. 

        Saul and his team offer a one to one, tailored service - wherehe works with you closely to develop innovative solutions that will take your business to the next level. 

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              Roundhouse - The Creative Agency

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