ROUNDHOUSE™ The Creative Agency

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Learn to Grow your Brand with the B.A.S.I.C.S of Storytelling

How to Use the B.A.S.I.C.S to Share Your Company Story

Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today.
Robert McAfee Brown

What is Your Story?

It doesn't matter what industry your business is in, there is going to come a time where you have to answer the question about what your story is.

Story telling should be an important part of your business.

You have to be passionate about telling your audience your story, but that can be easier said then done. If you break down the storytelling aspect into smaller chunks, it becomes much easier to implement.

Here is a six point breakdown of the B.A.S.I.C.S. of telling your unique story.


The story that you tell about your company should begin from the most basic of concepts.

If your story is simple, it will also be memorable. 

Think about how Steve Jobs told the story about iPod when he launched it. Rather than go into some elaborate story that confused his audience, he simply said our product is all about 1,000 songs in your pocket. Look how basic yet how elaborate that is at the same time. You understand exactly what the product is from that short story. That is how to make your message unique and stick with the audience. Stop trying to over complicate things and get back to the basics.

Simple is the way to go with storytelling.


To tell the right story, you need to know in advance the actions that you want your audience to take. If you understand the outcome in advance, you can strategically plan to make that connection and motivate people to take the desired action.

Whether this action is a link that brings them back to your website to make a purchase - or you simply want them to share a unique article you posted on your blog, the story needs to be actionable. 


For every story there are corollary questions :

  • What makes you special?

  • What is it about your business that no one else is doing?

  • Why should a customer buy from you and not your competition?

Your business is in operation to solve some need the consumer has, filling a gap in your industry.

  • What is the solution that your business provides?

Your company is doing something better than your competition or you would have no sales.

  • Are you genuinely addressing the needs of your customers?

You need to identify yourself as the solution - and tell the world why they need your company, products and services. If you can answer all these questions positively, you know that you are aligning your business strategy to the needs of your audience. 


Your story has to tap into the emotions of your audience for it to be successful.

Creating an emotional connection between a customer and a company will ensure that your business become the brand they can not live without.

Your story needs to promote thinking, reaction, and curiosity at the same time. As you develop the story of your business, think carefully about the emotions you are tapping into. Intuition is vital to making your story work. Use the power of intuition to create a genuine connection with the emotion of your audience.


Comparisons can help you take your story to the next level.

If done correctly, you take your audience on a journey in which they become involved with your business.

Reinforce your story by use of the familiar, what is known and what is loved.

By comparing your products or services to other historical times and innovations, you can highlight essential features of your products and services that resonate readily with others. Fore example, if you are promoting your new iPod, and you may reference the days of popping in a cassette tape to listen to music. By using the 'power of the past' - you can get people involved emotionally involved in a good way. 


The story that you tell is so much bigger than than you are.

Fine tune your story to effectively reach your potential customers. Every person that discovers your story is unique in one way or another. By sharing your story with a wider audience - you attract more people who can relate - and who will share the experience with others.


At Roundhouse, we understand that a great story lies behind every great brand. Our goal is to learn more about your unique story and infuse your brand, logo and marketing initiatives with your story. To learn more about how to use storytelling to strategically grow your business, please get in touch.

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Roundhouse - The Creative Agency

Author - Saul Edmonds

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