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What is 'brand strategy'?

In simple terms, your 'brand strategy' is how you strategically use your brand to grow your business.

Of course, your brand is way more than a logo.

It is your message.
Your voice.

Your brand gets to the very heart of your business - and how you share that story with others.

'Brand Strategy' - as a whole - is really a toolset of actions to propel your business forward in practical ways.

All brand strategies have simple goals:

  • To get noticed.

  • To be remembered.

  • To earn engagement.

  • To win leads.

  • To increase revenue.

  • To succeed longterm.

Branding is not only for big brands.

Even the smallest startup has a brand - whether they know it or not. In simple terms, that startup brand - is the sum total of how they present themselves to the world.

First impressions count.

Think of your brand as that set of core values, that drives you to 'do what you do'. Yes, it does include your logo - but it goes waaaay deeper than that.

Now, before go any further, let's look at a great quote from Sophocles.
"Do not fear for me. Make straight your own path to destiny."

Who was Sophocles? Sophocles was an ancient Greek playwright. His better known works include Antigone and Electra. He was born in 497 BC and died in 406 BC.

What is Sophocles saying here?

To me, his quote is all about confidence of mind, surety of vision. Daring do. To go where others fear to tread.

As about the brave journeymen who walks the straight and narrow, carving a path from A & B - to fearlessly meet his destiny and sup on the fruits of his labour; that sweet reward of a dream fulfilled.

Most small business owners and entrepreneurs will agree, that starting a small business - striking out on your own - does take a fair measure of confidence, nay bravery.

We are definitely the brave journeyman here.
And the small business journey is never easy.

To survive in small business, you have to ride the ups and downs - and keep on going. No doubt Sophocles had his own set of experiences here, establishing as he did, a career as a successful playwright over 2000 years ago.

Who among us can hope that our works will be remembered in 2000 years?
Congratulations on that one Sophocles!

Here's his quote again:
"Do not fear for me. Make straight your own path to destiny. "

Now, let's tie that quote back into branding.
In small business, your brand is your most powerful tool.

Simply by establishing your brand and standing by your values - you stand apart from others. Yet, 'Do not fear me.'

Use your brand wisely, strategically; go forge that straight path, and meet with your brilliant destiny head-on.

Every small business owner is a Braveheart - your brand is your sword.
Wield it wisely young one.

OK. Let's get into brand strategy.

To begin here, you must define your brand clearly.

Ask yourself these questions:
What does your business represent at it's core?
Who are your customers - how will you serve them?
How will you create the most value?
What is your unique point of difference?
What sets you apart from all the others?

Think of your brand as a story - and you are the storyteller, with a servant's heart.

Now go and add the YOU into this mix.
What have been your experiences?
What have you learnt?
What are your dreams?

Why did you start your business?
How do you share your vision?

In many ways - you are your brand. That's those authentic values and real life lessons that you bring to the table - that ultimately infuse your business with something very special.


So, Brand Strategy - How Do You Get Started?

Your brand strategy is a plan of action.

It's a battle plan, a 'how to'.

It's 'how to' utilise your brand to maximum advantage - to connect with your customers - and grow your business long term.

Keep in mind that your brand should be represented consistently across all touch points - from your logo, to your customer service policies and employee relations - to ensure you send a consistent message.

In a nutshell, your brand strategy is your map from A to B. It is the map that guides your path to meet your destiny.

A word about budget here.

Branding need not be expensive.
It's mostly about ideas - ideas that represent your vision.
Tailor your ideas to fit your budget.

Building a successful brand does take time, dedication and clarity of purpose. Above all, aim to ensure every message you send - is consistent and on point.

Brand Strategy meets Real World

The next step in a building a brand strategy is to identifying the best ways to represent your brand to others - in particular your target customers.

Start with the big picture and work down from there.

Begin with Your Corporate/ Small Business Brand
Check your logo. Does it represent you?

Look for innovative ways to engage your audience authentically.
Stories are great here.

Aim to inspire trust and goodwill.

Make sure that your print & online advertising, your company website, plus your customer outreach strategies -are tightly unified - both visually and thematically.

Your Product/ Services Brand
Ensure your products are marketed to take advantage of all that your brand has to offer. This applied to your service offerings to.

Again, the goal is not to 'sell' but to educate. Think of how your unique products and services deliver real benefits to customers. Communicate those benefits with product packaging that stands apart from your competitors.

Your Personal Brand
Remember we said that in many ways 'you are your brand'?

As a small business owner or entrepreneur, you are definitely the key story teller and brand representative. Ensure your personal presentation and style compliments your brand and sends a positive message out there.

Your brand really is the big picture (of your small business).

Developing Your Brand

An effective brand strategy begins with you.

Identify strategic solutions that tell your story and connect with your target audiences.

This will help you lock in:

  • your business name

  • your logo

  • your brand guidelines

  • your product and service offerings

  • your competitive points of differences

From there, review your targeted touch points.

What is a touch point?
Touch points are the points at which your customers interest with your brand.
These are the points of experience and discovery.

These are the points where it all gets real.

Consider carefully how you will reach your audience - and how they in turn will connect with you.

These are your mission critical touch points - where your brand message has to be most clear.

Key touch points for every business include:
Your Logo
Your Website
Company Brochures & Print Material
Custom Email Signature

So, in concluding our overview of brand strategy, let's list the most common touch points you can make use of to strategically build your brand.

Find ways to build your brand with:
Customer Referrals
Media Outreach
Social Media Channels
Testimonial Customer Reviews
Charity Outreach and Sponsorship
Excellence in Customer Experiences
Quality Customer Service
Mobile Apps
Responsive Website
FAQ Pages
Product & Service Information
Branded Marketing & Advertising both online & offline
Strategic Partnerships

Building your business takes time.
Building your brand takes time.

It is a journey. It is the path less travelled.

But - as long as your brand stays true to who you are - and what you represent as a business, you can't go wrong.

As Sophocles said, "Do not fear for me. Make straight your own path to destiny."

Find ways to connect with your customers, meet their needs - and you will reach your goals.

An engaging brand strategy, refined over time - is the best way to ensure that your path is a straight one; that it takes you where you want to go.

Thanks Sophocles and good luck with building your brand!