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5 Ideas for Creative Marketing with Booklets

Top Tips for Custom Printed Booklets

"The world is a book." (Saint Augustine)

The Printed Booklet Solution

Brochure advertising is a highly effective marketing strategy. They are ideal for communicating a concise and targeted message to your audience.

But what happens when the brochure format is not quite large enough?

A printed booklet may offer a solution.

Consider marketing with booklets when you need 'more than a brochure'.

What are the advantages of printed booklets?

  • While a brochure is economical, a booklet offers more space to showcase your brand and benefits.

  • Booklets often have a longer shelf life than brochures and are kept by customers for further reference.

  • Booklets are easy to distribute and can be folded to DL size for easy mailing.

  • Booklets are more substantial and can provide a higher quality 'look and feel' to attract new buyers.

Booklets are useful as a 'mini catalogue'. 

The benefits of marketing with booklets

If you need larger pages to highlight your products or services, why not include booklet printing within your next promotional campaign?

Booklet marketing is a proven advertising strategy that returns a positive ROI. A well designed booklet is always attractive to customers and prospects. It provides a practical format for the delivery of useful, branded information.

Creative marketing with booklets presents many opportunities to offer more value. Provide booklets in return for contact information. Place booklets prominently at your point of sale. Innovate creatively with booklets to leverage your brand above competitors.

5 Great Booklet Marketing Ideas

Image Booklet

Use high quality images to promote your products and brand. Create a concise 'coffee table' booklet - with impressive design and pictures that offer immediate visual appeal. Provide photographic information about your industry, products, process and customers. Create impact with full colour images and bold design.

Technical Booklet

Customers and prospects always appreciate detailed information. People are keen to know more about the technical side of your business. Use a booklet to explain jargon, behind the scene details, elements, outcomes and more. Booklets are a practical format for an instruction manual. 

Community Booklet

Every business should aim to include community service within its outreach program. Community or charity involvement is a great way to give back, provide service, make new acquaintances and raise your brand profile. Why not publish a booklet about your 'not for profit' work? Inform your target audience about your community project with information and pictures; make a call for donations and ask people to take positive action.

A community booklet showcases the benefits you provide beyond your business - and raises the profile of the charity, group or project with which you are involved. Feature the website and social links of your charity group throughout the brochure.

Handy Booklet

Create a branded booklet that is useful. Some ideas include: cookbook, a daily planner, a motivational guide, tips n tricks and more. Brand each page thoughtfully. Include coupons or other offers.

Kids Booklet

Everyone who has kids knows that keeping them busy is a full time job. Why not design a branded booklet for the kids of your target audience? Include fun facts related to your business, colouring, games and more. Make it fun. Include lots of colourful images. Offer value to kids and make a lasting impression with your target audience.

Utilise Booklet Printing in Your Next Campaign

Discover the many benefits to creative marketing with booklets. 

Roundhouse offers professional booklet design and printing services. We are well placed to assist with booklet and branding strategies. With over 20 years design, brand and printing experience - we can deliver a quality booklet targeted to your brand and business.

Need Booklet Design and Printing Services?
Talk to Roundhouse. We can help.
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