ROUNDHOUSE™ The Creative Agency

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A Guide to Creative Logo Design

A logo is an investment in your brand.

"A logo does not sell, it identifies." 
(Paul Rand, designer who developed the first IBM Logo. His clients included Apple CEO Steve Jobs.)

A well designed logo is one of the most effective ways to establish your brand. Your logo should create a positive impact on your audience, and be both memorable and enduring. Invest time in ensuring your logo is well designed. Consider your logo as a succinct visual that communicates your core message in a single graphic.

Logos are everywhere

Ours is the age of the logo. Logos are all pervasive and remind us how heavily products feature in our lives. Use creativity as a tool to stand out in a crowded sea of brand identities. Quality, originality and 'message clarity' are key points to achieve. A logo design must be closely aligned to your brand message.

A logo is communication

An effective logo design begins with a clear understanding of your customers. Design concepts are best defined by your brand.

Carefully consider :

  • who you are (what your brand represents)
  • what you do (your core product or service)
  • who you do it for (your target audience)

It is essential that your logo represents your brand with clarity to your clients and prospects.

Let the creative work begin

Every creative logo design contains an element of inspiration. 

Define the essential brand message and follow with research and creativity. Strive for innovation and individuality while staying true to your brand. Logos should work aesthetically in both colour and black & white. White space; that is the empty space surrounding the logo form; is always important. 

Typography is a central element of every logo design

With the strong use of typographical elements, a logo may consist of the brand name only.

A logo must be legible. A wise rule of thumb is to avoid fonts that are overly 'fashionable' - as trends move forward quickly, your logo may prematurely appear dated. Future proof your logo and refrain from design gimmicks. The best logos are simple, readable and well styled.

A range of logo variations may be developed for use across different media - from signage to web, print, uniforms, clothing, products and billboards. Certain applications restrict design elements and your logo must be adapted as appropriate. Experiment with your logo design at different sizes and in different contexts.

Less is more

A simple statement is usually best. There is strength in simplicity. It is acknowledged that most brands progressively simplify their logos over time. Consider requesting an insignia version of your logo for use in economical spaces. 

A logo that is flexible and can be effectively used across a range of media in a variety of ways, represents genuine value for money.

While a logo is not your brand, it must be 'on brand'.

Choose Roundhouse for Creative Logo Design

Roundhouse has over 20 years creative logo design and brand experience. We are experts at logo development and brand style.

We work closely with you to understand your brand and develop a unique logo design that will resonate with your audience.

View our logo portfolio here.

Do you need a creative logo design?

Talk to Roundhouse. We can help.

Get started with an obligation free consultation.

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Contact Roundhouse Now! 
Book an obligation free consultation to find out more and learn how to leverage mobile technology to grow your opportunities and business revenue.

Get to know Saul Edmonds & Roundhouse

As Creative Director & Roundhouse Founder Saul Edmonds has over 20 years professional design and digital experience. 

He is an expert on Brand, Website and App Development. He has worked with clients across all industry groups - including startups, small business, government and entrepreneurs - on projects of all sizes and budgets.

Saul and his team can help you grow your business and discover new possibilities with :

  • strategic brand design
  • web design & development
  • app design and development 
  • digital marketing 
  • creative engagement 

    Saul Edmonds believes that every project begins with a story. 

    Saul and his team offer a one to one, tailored service - where he works with you closely to develop innovative solutions that will take your business to the next level. 

    Find out how Saul can help you turn your ideas into reality.

    Book an obligation free consultation with Saul Edmonds for ideas and strategies to take your business or project to the next level. Click here to arrange your booking.

    Phone : +617 1300 727 749
    email :

    • Learn about our web design here.
    • Learn about our app development here.
    • See our brand and logo portfolio here.

    Connect with Saul Edmonds on Linkedin here or Google+ here.
    Connect with Roundhouse on Google+ here.