ROUNDHOUSE™ The Creative Agency

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Why Logo Design Is A Key Business Investment

Why Investing in Quality Logo Design Is a Smart Decision

The principal role of a logo is to identify, and simplicity is its means... Its effectiveness depends on distinctiveness, visibility, adaptability, memorability, universality, and timelessness. Paul Rand

Discover Why a Great Logo Will Grow Your Business

Think about the reasons why you buy a specific brand of shampoo, pasta, or even a bottle of wine.

Many people simply make this choice not based on price but more on the way the product is packaged. Many times the exterior packaging is so inviting that the consumer will simply buy on impulse without any regard to the overall quality of the product itself.

That is one of the reasons you can not skimp when it comes to the design of your logo.

Your branding image is all about the perception it provides to the user. The simple truth is a buyer will spend more money on a product if they think they can trust that brand. Basically they are buying the brand and not so much the product itself.

Consider these four important questions concerning your logo design:

1. What feelings do you want people to associate with your brand?

When a customer sees your logo, it should immediately connect with them in a genuine way and inspire a response. Your logo helps to give your customers a better understanding of your business. The way your logo is designed sends a cohesive message to the buyer about what you offer and what your company stands for too. If you aren't evoking those feelings from your audience, you are not making full use of your logo and branding.

2. Are you standing out from the crowd?

You have to make certain that your logo is stands out from the crowd or you can't expect the crowd to ever see your business. Understand that people are literally seeing hundreds of different logos every day. Make sure your logo is the one that gets the attention. Make certain that your logo is enticing enough to pull them away from your competitors.

3. Are you delivering solutions?

Your customers have needs and concerns that must be met by your brand or logo or you lose them. People need genuine solutions to real problems.

If a customer is concerned about internet speed, know that a brand that promotes a solution to this will get their attention faster. Make sure that you identify the majority of traits that your overall audience has and how many of those your company can address. Incorporate as many of these ideas as possible into the logo design to get the majority of consumers emotionally involved in your brand. Don't clutter the logo, just make sure it connects on a more emotional level with the majority of your audience.

4. How do you want your customers to remember your brand?

Whether you have a great logo or a poorly designed logo - be aware that people are going to remember it. Some logos are so incredible that customers do a double-take. Other logos are so poorly designed that the customer can not help to remember them, in a bad way.

Your logo needs to be both timeless and fresh. It should be visually memorable in a good way. Aim to instill positive feelings that will motivate customers to make purchases whenever they need your products or services.

Working With Your Logo Designer

After you have carefully considered all those questions, sit down with your logo designer and come up with some ideas that will make the logo process move forward easier.

Your designer will consider all these questions that you have answered and incorporate spacing, font, color, and other key factors that will bring the design to life.

The key goal is a logo design that has the power to visually educate, excite, attract, and get your audience emotionally involved in your brand. This question process is extremely important and should not be overlooked.

Building Your Logo To Last

It doesn't matter if your company is selling pizza or aeronautical engineering services - your logo needs to be tailored to your brand message with a design that stands out from your competitors. Just like all the elements of a fine dining experience: if it isn't the right mix, the end result is not memorable.

The bottom line here is that your logo design is a key investment in the success of your business. A less than effective logo may have a negative impact on your customers and your sales for weeks, months, and possibly years to come.


At Roundhouse, we understand the importance of a great logo as the foundation of your business and brand marketing. The right logo will return a significant ROI. A tailored design is carefully crafted to represent your brand to your niche customers - and stand out in the market place. If you would like to learn more about the process of logo design, please call us for an informal chat today.

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1. 5 Signs That You Need A Logo Redesign

2. The Key To Establishing A Great Brand

3. A Guide To Creative Logo Design

Roundhouse - The Creative Agency

Author - Saul Edmonds

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