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5 Top Website Redesign Principles

Learn the 5 Key Website Redesign Principles for Business

Everyone designs who devises courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones.
Herbert Simon

Make Success Your Key Item of Business

Your business website is the face of your company online.

It is a key sales tool.

With regards to your website design - it simply needs to convert visitors into loyal customers.

Even if your company offers the best services or products in your industry, if that message is not communicated to the audience in a clear and concise manner, you will simply lose those visitors to your competition.

The following 5 tips will help in your redesign of your website to allow your company to stand out in the crowd.

1. Avoiding Information Overload

On an average day, people on the internet consume over 100,000 words during their time online. People want to be able to determine quickly if the content on a website is relevant to their needs or not.

Avoid placing large amounts of text on your homepage or the visitor may simply click back and visit another website. Keeping things simple has never been more relevant than in today's world of information overload. The home page on your website needs to be designed in a way that makes it clear where navigation bars are, where contact details are, and how to get to the products they need more quickly.

2. Catering to a Larger Audience

While some individuals like to learn by reading, others have an easier time with videos.

That is why it is important that you have multiple types of content on your website - from text, info graphics, videos - to brochure, catalogues, testimonials and ebooks. Let your visitors will choose which is best for them and utilise the information. Make it easy for people to learn more about your products and services - in a way that suits them personally.

3. Limit Talk About the Business

If you focus on telling your potential customers why you believe your business is the best, why you offer the lowest prices, and why you are considered a leader in your industry - you have the possibility of turning off the majority of your new visitors.

The key to eliciting a strong customer response is highlighting relevant information that shows your customer exactly what benefits you offer. By reaching your customer on an emotional level, you are more likely to get the desired response.

4. Leading Your Customer to the Checkout

While many customers will go right from a product page to your checkout, some others are not there to buy right now.

The key to getting them to return at a later time and make that purchase is by encouraging them to take action in another way. Signing up for a video demo, joining a mailing list, or subscribing to the newsletter are all ways that will eventually lead to your checkout.

Give your visitors reason to stay on your website and interact with you, this way they can be reminded at a later time to come back and shop.

5. Guiding Your Customers

Once a potential customer arrives on your website, they will begin looking for information that is relevant to their needs. They need to know what to do next or chances are they will be gone very shortly.

Your website must provide a clear path in which the buyer can easily navigate by giving them call to action buttons that encourage certain actions.

The first thing your website must do is steer the customer towards education about your business. From there, send them to where they can take further action. The navigation bar on the website plays a key role in keeping the custom informed as to the next step in the process. If a customer adds an item to the cart, the navigation bar should offer them the opportunity to compare similar items in your store.

These simple web redesign tips will allow your customers to get the most out of their visit to your website. The key here is to increase conversions, grow your brand and work to serve your customers for the long term.


At Roundhouse, we understand that a high performance website is key to growing your opportunities online. As technologies change, websites must be upgraded to take advantage of emerging trends. Our talented team of experts works closely with you to create precisely what you need.

We are here to help.

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Roundhouse - The Creative Agency

Author - Saul Edmonds

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