5 Ways to Boost Ecommerce Sales This Christmas

5 Ways to Increase Your Ecommerce Revenue This Christmas Time

          Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling.
          Edna Ferber

Learn to Increase Your Profits This Season

During the 2013 holiday season, e-commerce sales hit an incredible $46 billion is sales.

That number will easily be exceeded this holiday season, as more consumers are shopping online each year. If you are not planning to capitalise on that bounty of potential sales you could be losing an opportunity to increase your e-commerce revenues.

However, if you simply incorporate these 5 sales ideas, you could be significantly growing your opportunities this Christmas.

1. Utilising Adwords Remarketing

Adwords is an extremely powerful tool for targeting new business.

Not too many retailers are aware that by creating a remarking list, you have the potential to explode your sales this holiday season. Remarketing simply is a way to target customers who have already previously visited your website. With Adwords, you simply apply a small snippet of coding on your website and when a new visitor arrives on that page, a cookie is created and saved in your list. The list can later be targeted with specific Adwords campaigns.

To understand how this process works, imagine a visitor stopped on your website page for green t-shirts. Now you create a list for people who wanted green t-shirts, and a display ad with that image will now follow them when they search on the internet, making it much easier for them to return back to your site to make the purchase. 

2. The Power of Facebook Ads

Facebook has quickly become the leader in social media in a short period of time.

Recent studies have shown the average Facebook user is spending 55 minutes a day in Facebook.

If you are looking for a unique way to drive targeted traffic to your website, Facebook is the answer. Each time a person likes you page you can now target them with an advertisement. The Facebook ads also allow you to target specific users and reach a brand new audience. Facebook recent statistics show that right before the holiday season, Facebook sees a huge surge in traffic.

Now is the time to get those Facebook ads ready for the rush on holiday shoppers.

3. Publishing Clever and Exciting InfoGraphics

The infographic is simply the marketers most effective online tool.

It helps to get a message across in a unique way that many other forms of advertising can not. You can connect with an audience and deliver your unique message, allowing the message to be shared by your growing social media audience. The infographic can be shared with your fans, who in turn allow their inner circle to continue to spread the word.

Creating a cleaver infographic themed around the holiday season could explode your sales in just a short amount of time. Bringing awareness to your store can be easily done without the image looking to promotional, and once the word spreads, the influx of new traffic begins. 

4. Using InstaGram to Get Sales

If you aren't already on InstaGram, you are missing a unique opportunity to get your business seen by thousands of new users who are actively looking for new places to shop.

Twitter has seen a drop in usage this year, while Instagram continues to experience a steady growth. The platform is based on the premise of taking photos and sharing them with the world. Smart business owners incorporate their products in those photos, and then encourage their fans to do the same. The end result is you create a buzz to your store and your products.

Incorporate popular hashtags in your posts to reach thousands of new users each day. Offer unique prizes for users who post pictures of themselves with your products. Your brand gets a boost with little effort on your part.

5. Focus on Cart Abandonment

During the increase in traffic to your website this holiday season, there will certainly be an increase in the shopping carts that get abandoned too.

Studies have shown over 68% of shoppers abandon their cart without ever going back to close the sale.

For whatever reason they left, you can to make an effort to get them back to the store to complete the deal. Incorporate new technology designed to trigger a message when a person is about to abandon the cart.

A free shipping offer or special discount code could entice them to complete the deal without leaving.

Incorporate a few of these tips, and your holiday sales will see a significant improvement.


At Roundhouse, we understand the importance of connecting with your audience via social media. We have a complete range of social media services and management to assist your customer service and outreach campaigns. Our talented team of experts works closely with you to create precisely what you need.

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If you enjoyed reading this article, you may also enjoy the following:
1. 7 Top reasons why info graphics work.

2. The design studio advantage.

3. Why catalogue marketing works.

Roundhouse - The Creative Agency

Author - Saul Edmonds

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