App Review - Hashable and the Science of Relationship Tracking

‘When you’re in a relationship and it’s good, even if nothing else in your life is right, you feel like your whole world is complete.’

(Keith Sweat)

While social media continues to develop new and innovative ways to interface between our business and personal lives, simply monitoring and maintaining these relationships becomes an artful challenge.

Meet Hashable.

(It’s a networking app.)

Hashable takes the hassle out of relationship tracking. It is easy to use and (surprisingly) useful. Social networking made easier.


Simply post updates regarding your social interactions and Hashable constructs a graph from these updates. From this graph of shared connections and visual networks -  Hashable makes it is easy to see how your networks interact, connect and grow as you share with people you respect and trust.

How it works:

Essentially, Hashable gives you an easy way to connect with your friends and contacts.

First, link up your Gmail, Twitter, Yahoo, and other accounts.

Hashable allows you to link social and business connections and track and share who you are meeting and introducing.

The three main uses are:

Introducing people (#intro) - To make an introduction, enter in the two Twitter handles (or email addresses) of the people you want to connect. Hashable will follow up in a few days to monitor if this connection took place. Extending your network.

Meeting someone new (#justmet) - Via use of the email address of a Twitter name, Hashable will add them them to your network and send them your contact information.

Business Contacts - When making a social or business connection, by posting your connection, #had lunch with, #meeting with, it will show this on your network.

If you are familiar with Linkedin and Twitter, chances are you will love Hashable.