4 Ways to Design an Effective Call to Action

4 Web Design Strategies That Create a Compelling Call to Action

Action is the foundational key to all success.
Pablo Picasso

Design To Inspire Immediate Action!

With so many tools available to website owners, it makes perfect sense that they often handle the website design in house.

Whether it may be a template based service or you build the website from the ground up, many website owners simply make small errors that really have a significant impact on the bottom line. When choosing a website template that is easy to design, you may miss key areas that need a more professional eye to help close more sales.

One of the areas in which many website owners miss the mark, not putting enough emphasis on the call to action (CTA) links. By spending a little time addressing this one area, you could see sales improve tremendously.

Here are the top 4 designing strategies that will help you to create compelling call to action links.

1. Testing User Friendliness

If you want to increase sales, you have to make your website a more enjoyable user experience.

Take the time to place a mock order on your website, and pay close attention to what happens each step of the way. During your checkout process, consider things your customers may be thinking to try and make the process more effective. Many website owners now incorporate a comparison link where buyers can check similar items in your store, easily seeing the highlights of each so they can make a more informed buying decision.

Test your checkout on a mobile device as well. The buttons may be so small that the buyers are abandoning the cart because they can not see what is in there. 

2. Providing Clear Instructions

There is a reason the most successful websites are using different verbs in the call to action links. The verb helps the buyer to take action, so seeing links that read "add to wish list" and "add to cart" only make the decision easier.

The best thing you can do to make this process easy for your customers is to place your call to action links in the exact same place on each page. That familiarity will help make the process easier. By telling the user what to do, they simply follow the instruction and move along the process much easier.

The call to action link must simply prompt your potential customer each step of the way, helping them to take the next logical step in the checkout process.

3. Using Contrast

The colors and the placement of the call to action buttons are critical because they cause the customer to be drawn to that section of the page.

The call to action button must stand out on the page, compelling a visitor to simply click it. When the call to action link is in direct contrast to the background, the buyer is unable to focus anywhere else but that button. Even if the buyer is still reading content on the page, in the corner of their eye they can not avoid seeing that button.

4. Remove All That Clutter

As a website owner who is doing most of the design work, you can easily fall into the trap of adding too much to your pages.

All that clutter can make it a challenge for your visitors to even find the call to action buttons. When you try to load everything on that screen, you can actually confuse the buyers to the point they never get to the cart.

Now if you have multiple tasks involved in that call to action, you really can lose any chance of the buyers making the right decision. The one thing you can do is set your priorities and then get rid of the clutter. Each page of your website should only have one call to action, focusing on the primary action you want that buyer to take. 

The only way that your website will be successful is if the buyer can find and navigate the call to action links. The last thing you want to do in interfere with that process, so choose your links carefully and make them stand out.

Your key goal is to implement simple calls to action that will smoothly get your buyer where they need to go.


At Roundhouse, we understand that a website must work to motivate visitors to get in touch, ask for more information or buy. We carefully integrate tailored call to action design elements based on your brand and style guidelines. If you wish to learn more about how clear 'calls to action' can boost your profitability, please get in touch.

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Author - Saul Edmonds

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